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Coaching Program
Unstoppable Confidence

Coaching for love, life, and self.

Confidence is a skill set, NOT a character trait.


Which is good news because it means it can be taught, developed, and nurtured. You CAN have confidence in any area of your life. 

You just need the right teacher, the right format that works for you, and personalized support and guidance.

Short Term Pain for Long Term Gain

There are two types of pain in this life - and you have a choice...


The pain of pushing through and facing your fears.


The pain of regret, shame, and resentment as you miss out on all of the good stuff that you know is meant for you.


Which are you choosing for you? What's it going to be? Short term pain for long term gain or will you choose the easy and instant gratification route of short term gain that comes with long term pain?


You get to choose: Instant self numbing behaviours that are accompanied by long term feelings of regret OR putting the work in to address those moments of fear and awkwardness which results in long term breakthrough feelings of pride and success. 

Ask Yourself...

  • Do you find yourself always on the outside looking in?

  • Feel self-conscious and constantly feeling insecure?

  • Do you struggle socially and can't seem to strike up a conversation or generally feel inadequate and awkward?

  • Are you really wanting to find someone special but have a lack of confidence when it comes to being yourself?

  • Do you find yourself bending over backward for others, people pleasing, or trying to be something you're not?

  • Do you get frustrated because you REALLY want to do something and want to take a risk BUT fear stops you?

  • Do you second guess yourself and wish you had more confidence in your instincts or capabilities?

  • Do you sense that there is so much more to you but you can't seem to push through?

  • Does it feel like everybody else is having a great life, and then there's you, like a child whose face is pushed up at the candy store window?

  • Want to be absolutely comfortable with who you are and stop being small, feeling invisible, or voiceless?

If your answered YES
Then this program is for you

You will:

  • Change a limited mindset to an unstoppable growth mindset.

  • Identify blocks and negative beliefs and rewrite and rewire new ones.

  • Override negative thinking loops that put you in fight, flight, or freeze mode and learn strategies to bypass them and push through.

  • Achieve and create a structured, detailed plan to map out your specific target goals.


  • Achieve one micro goal at a time until the end goal is reached. It could not be clearer or simpler.​


You'll be able to (finally) answer these questions:

  • What does the rest of my life look like?

  • What do I want to feel about myself?

  • What's important to me?​


We will help you to gain clarity so you know who you are, what you stand for, and what you want from your life.

This is hands down, the most empowering feeling of all and we will map it all out in our “You and Your Vision” Board.

What will I gain from this Coaching Program in Bali?

​​As a result of your coaching program, you will come away with:


  • A clear path forward, armed with all the tools you need to achieve your personal goals.

  • A workbook full of strategies to help you overcome blocks, fears, and obstacles.

  • Actual evidenced and documented examples of goals set, overcome, and achieved.

  • Significantly improved self-esteem as a result of our intense self-esteem-building workbook and activities. Self-esteem is something that we continuously address throughout this course.

  • Absolute clarity and understanding of how you operate, what your triggers are, and how you can overcome them.

  • A deep sense of healing and peace. Throughout this program our clinical therapist will be helping you address old wounds, negative self-beliefs, and traumas that you may have stored within you and that are keeping you stuck in a cycle of self-defeat.

  • Essential knowledge and tools in areas that are unique to your needs. Whether that's body confidence, assertive communication, breaking free of people pleasing, or creating healthy boundaries, we will ensure that your coaching program meets your needs.

Whatever your particular area of concern is, we will discuss it in our first assessment session

and formulate your action plan to ensure you are equipped with everything you need to

feel confident in every area of your life.

What's Included

Your 6 week coaching program with Bali Counselling includes:


  • 1 weekly 60 minute session, one-on-one.

  • Online support via message or email 24/7.

  • 6 week chaptered workbook full of weekly assignments, information, role plays, and all you need to be able to follow through on your goals and keep referencing back to.

  • Personal goal setter templates with step by step action plan to achieve them.

  • 5 different grounding strategies, (dependent on the level and type of stress you are experiencing)

  • Daily Journal templates and prompts.

  • Personal Actionable Treatment plan unique to you.

  • Meditation audios, C.B.T worksheets, and exercises.

  • And so much more….

  • Plus… our very own, signature Chakra Healing Album, exclusive to us from the very talented guys at PerpelFLAME.

Whatever your particular area of concern is, we will discuss it in our first assessment session

and formulate your action plan to ensure you are equipped with everything you need to

feel confident in every area of your life.

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